A Dingo ate my baby!!!!
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
WBTS on the Prowl
by Stephanus in.
(give it time - it usually takes a few minutes before it shows up)
Kent-How 'bout we discuss the sanctity of life?
by drahcir yarrum ini remember how the society used to drone on and on about the "sanctity of life".
your recent thread on god ordering killing got me to thinking about this concept again.
i also know that the anti-abortion people like to use the sanctity of human life argument to support their position as well.
drahcir yarrum
I remember how the society used to drone on and on about the "sanctity of life". Your recent thread on god ordering killing got me to thinking about this concept again. I also know that the anti-abortion people like to use the sanctity of human life argument to support their position as well. I don't really want to discuss that issue, but mention it because it seems to resonate with the religious amongst us.
Here's the reality about human life. It's cheap! It is neither sacred nor sanctified. Every minute of every day someone goes tits up, takes a dirt nap, buys the farm or croaks. It is no more valued by god than I value old tennis balls.
Individually, life is what WE make of it. There are no second chances at it. Many have decided to simply become consumers here to be amused. Others have decided to be a pain in as many peoples asses as possible. Others try to contribute something or things to make the world a better place. In the end. . . there is still just the end.
It was so liberating to me when I realized that Jehovah is just as mythical as Baal, Molech, Allah or any of the pantheon of Greek and Roman gods.
So don't try to tell me that god places value on human life. Everything I know about history shows me that if god were real, he/she would be a blood thirsty predator of humanity.
JC FILE NOTES - What do they contain?
by Amazing injc file notes - what do they contain?
jones.. 15. brother smith would tell bro.
smith noted too that bro.
drahcir yarrum
WOW, this is good stuff. It makes me glad that I NEVER confessed my sins to the elders about anything. (Yes, I know most of you will find it hard to believe, but I have sinned, and enjoyed it) I would not be as critical of the men involved in these JC's as the system itself. Untrained people having an unbelievable impact on someones life and mental health.
The attitude of the elder who had doubts about this persons repentence makes me sick. I'd be tempted to slap the silly dufus and tell him when someone comes forward on their own, they are repentent. End of story. Of course all of this is assuming that "sin" and "repentence" have any basis in reality, which in my opinion they don't. You can't sin against someone who doesn't exist.
VietNam Era
by Tina inreading country joe's posts got me thinkingabout the vietnam war era folks here.. what were you doing at that time?.
as jw's and non-jw's,what were your feelings about the war?.
are you a vet or child of one?.
drahcir yarrum
One common trait I've noticed over the years about those who actually served in combat, is that they are reluctant to talk about it. They will talk about the crazy things they did while on leave and with their buddies, but there seems to be little desire to dredge up memories about the reality of battle.
My dad was in the Navy during WWII and when I'd ask him about combat and the death that he saw while in the south Pacific, he'd change the subject.
I think this tells us alot about the horror of war.
Bethel rules... fables or truth...
by MrMoe incan you all enlighten me, i have heard certain "bethel rules" and wanted to find out if they are fact or fiction.
1. only one item on any surface at any time (a phone or lamp etc.. as long as it is just 1 item.).
2. allowance of $80 a month for toiletries etc... (has that allowance gone up).
drahcir yarrum
The name sounds familiar, can you tell me where he was from?
Bethel rules... fables or truth...
by MrMoe incan you all enlighten me, i have heard certain "bethel rules" and wanted to find out if they are fact or fiction.
1. only one item on any surface at any time (a phone or lamp etc.. as long as it is just 1 item.).
2. allowance of $80 a month for toiletries etc... (has that allowance gone up).
drahcir yarrum
I was there almost 30 years ago and don't remember a specific number of items allowed on desk surface but that would have been more in consideration of the sisters who cleaned our rooms everyday. I think we got one clean bed sheet twice a week (could have been once a week). The bottom sheet was replaced with a clean sheet and it was then the top sheet until the next clean sheet was left.
One bag of laundry once or twice a week. They generally did a nice job starching shirts but usually smashed buttons.
No curfew. Many of us had jobs as waiters and other outside jobs on weekends. Sometimes I didn't get home until 3AM.
Back then it was $14/mo. Inflation?
Drinking was about the only fun thing to do. I rememeber getting in trouble by the Asst. Home Servant for putting a six pack of beer to keep it cold on my window ledge in the winter time because I didn't have a mini fridge. We used play some disgusting drinking games involving matches and flatulence. I'll say no more. Some of my buddies developed a taste for fine cigars after a good meal in Manhattan.
Runnin' the Mikes
by metatron ini can remember every young male in the congregation.
"reaching out" to run the mikes - and read at the.
it seems to be the emerging norm for.
drahcir yarrum
I think the society makes a huge mistake training young brothers to operate the sound equipment at the Kingdom Hall. This is possibly the first step leading to being a roady for a heavy metal band. This could lead to unbelievable fornication and drug use and alcoholsm.
This is very dangerous. But, there are worse ways to spend ones youth.
Experiences: How you know it ain't the 'truth'
by LDH inplease post your experiences here for any lurkers to read.
when i was a teenager, there was a young lady early 20's who had moved into our cong.
she had a newborn son and had just married her worldly boyfriend, the father of the baby.
drahcir yarrum
I believe that there is more scriptural support for stoning people to death than their is for disfellowshipping (shunning).
Bethel Closed Today!
by silentlambs ini had a victim call me after they had called bethel this morning.
they were informed bethe was offically closed till 1:30 pm for a special meeting with the bethel family.
would anyone care to speculate or verify the purpose of the meeting?
drahcir yarrum
Bethel was closed for a meeting today at which it was announced that the new date for Armageddon will now be October 7, 2075. The writing department is working feverishly doing the math using disconnected proof scriptures.
It is believed by the GB that this will result in unprecedented excitement amongst the worldwide brotherhood. Growth in new converts is expected to set new records. Jehovah has once again given us something to shoot for.
Need Advice for Female Now!
by mwconklin incan a 19 yr old male christian go out with a 19 yr old female jehovah's witness?
if not, are their any ways around it?
i me and this female really like each other but cant be seen together due to her religion.
drahcir yarrum
Every 19 year old male needs to understand that there is no shortage of eligible females in the herd. Why screw up your youth by dating a JW female who sneaks around. There is probably severe neurosis lurking here anyway. Run and run fast.